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Global Advisory and Advocacy for CSW

This Year at CSW68 AHAM led a delegation of 20 women, girls, and boys and cohosted three parallel events.
Watch the Recap Below!

What is AHAM Global Advisory and Advocacy for CSW? 


AHAM’s Global Advocacy and Action for the COmmission on the Status of Women serves as a vehicle and platform for elevating and catalyzing the collective wisdom, work, and walk of like-minded female change agents in the Americas toward meeting and reframing the Sustainable Development Goals for the benefit of all. ​​

Our Goals

  • Advocate for well-being as a Human Right

  • Create a measure of well-being that is gender-informed and takes into account all of the components of health - physical, mental, emotional, financial and spiritual 

  • Transform gender well-being through providing mindfulness / mind-body well-being courses and practice toolkits designed for women and girls' needs

  • Disseminate and normalize culturally-diverse gender narratives using storytelling through art, film, and other media channels.


UN Mindful Well-being Toolkit for Women and Girls by AHAM Education

This is an easy to use guided audio toolkit with five key evidence-based mindful awareness and mind body exercises to promote daily practice and grow our physical, mental and emotional well-being and "prosilience."

Track 1: Soft belly breathing to self-regulate in challenging moments or to practice responding vs reacting.

00:00 / 03:16

Our Advocacy 

  • Create a gender-informed well-being index and measure well-being along with progress toward current sustainable development goals. 

Our Action

  • Gender responsive Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Center for Mind Body Medicine (CMBM) Mind Body group courses 

  • Intensive Leadership trainings and retreats on Emotional Intelligence for Female entrepreneurs and youth leaders

  • Storytelling and skill-building activities

Track 2: Building mindful focus and attention for strong study skills and attention at work.

00:00 / 07:25

Track 3: Guided imagery for emotional safety and guidance on important life situations.

00:00 / 08:40

Track 4: Autogenic relaxation exercise for releasing stress and trauma from the body.

00:00 / 13:24

Track 5: Loving kindness and compassion for cultivating self-love, empathy and ease in relationships.

00:00 / 18:24

Tell us about your experience using the audio practices!


Our Team.

CSW68 Delegation

Youth Delegates



Student-  Shining Star International School, Abu - Dhabi , UAE



Student-  Shining Star International School, Abu - Dhabi , UAE



Student-  Shining Star International School, Abu - Dhabi , UAE



Student-  Shining Star International School, Abu - Dhabi , UAE



Student-  Shining Star International School, Abu - Dhabi , UAE



Student-  Shining Star International School, Abu - Dhabi , UAE

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